Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Official!

It's official!! Ting Ting is ours. Forever. We are completely thrilled that this little blessing will be with us for the rest of our lives. She has already brought so much joy that it is indescribable. God is good. Ting is clearly meant for our family and is absolutely perfect. I am literally one my knees in thanks to the One who went before us and chose this beautiful blessing to be forever mine.
Today was a good day in bonding and making progress. She is very smart and has the best personality. We did have some tears and a little bit of tough grieving but overall it was good. She only wants my Mom or I. She won't let my Dad touch her, which is sad but it will come {please pray for that}
I taught her how to wave and say mama. We also worked on blowing kisses. She started talking a little bit today and pointing at things. She is intrigued with all of the things outside and in our room. She loves to feel and look. It is precious to watch. She isn't walking yet, but it will come along with many other things.
Right now we just feel incredibly blessed to be able to call her ours :)
Oh, I don't know how it gets any better than this


  1. She is adorable! Congratulations to you all!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!! She looks like a Carolina girl already! ;) We will be traveling in a few weeks to bring home our Carolina BOY! :)

    Ainsley is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! she's so cute! Best Christmas presente ever!!!

  4. Love the pictures of your precious girl!!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!!! My heart is smiling!!! :)

  5. She is so adorable!! Congrats big sis! I'm praying for you all! When we got Sarah, she only wanted me; she didn't want my dad very much and would hardly go to my mom ever. It was very hard, but once we got home, it got so much better. She was a mommy's girl before we knew it and then didn't want anyone else! :)

  6. Oh those pictures! She is precious!!!
    Praying for her as she adjusts to her new family.
